FOR 1-21-2024:

“Saving for Freedom, Famine and the Future”


Dave Ramsey – Financial Peace University first steps to financial peace.

Put $1,000 in an emergency fund.

Pay off all non-mortgage debt by using the “debt snowball.”

Genesis 41:47-57

  1. Saving money is absolutely essential.

Eccl. 11:2

Ron Blue – 10/10/80 Plan

10% to honor God with a tithe

10% for savings (Retirement & Emergency fund)

80% to live on

  1. Saving money is a decision.

Gen. 41:34-36

Larry Burkett “A budget is simply telling your money what to do instead of wondering where it all went.”

  1. Saving money protects your loved ones and blesses those around you.

Gen. 41:57

Acts 4:32-37

  1. Some practical and radical ideas for saving.

Conclusion: You have to decide to get radical with your finances now, so you can live like no one else!